What to expect when you visit this site:

  • By using this site, our website terms apply to this use.

  • This website was created, designed and is hosted by Squarespace (

  • We are a private rental service based in Cork, Ireland, not affiliated with any other services or companies.

  • The purpose of this site is to share awareness of our private rental services available and allow visitors to make a general enquiry about these and/or voluntarily submit an application to be considered for these services if they so wish. Use of this Site by visitors must be consistent with these purposes.

  • Our content is protected by copyright laws and can not be used for commercial purposes by others.

  • Site assets (like images and videos) can not be downloaded and/or shared without permission.

  • No unlawful use of this website, and/or use with malicious intent is permitted.

  • Irish laws will govern the terms of use.

  • We can be contacted via email ( with any questions, feedback, concerns or complaints.


This policy relates only to the privacy practices of Cork Rooms. By use of this website, Squarespace will also process your personal information (referred interchangeable as ‘Personal Data’). For information relating to Squarespace’s own processing and activities which supplement this statement, please see Squarespace’s Privacy Policy.

We, Cork Rooms, fully respects your right to privacy. We will actively seek to preserve your privacy rights and respect the personal information that is shared with us. It is important that you know why your personal information is collected and how it is processed by us. Under the GDPR (EU Data Protection Law), personal information / personal data is any information that can reasonably identify a specific living person, either alone, or in combination with other information. This broad definition includes traditional personal data - like names, physical addresses, email addresses - as well as other potentially identifiable data such as financial information, and more. To learn more about what is considered personal data in the EU / Ireland - please see European Commission Website.

Cork Rooms only directly collects and stores personal information that is voluntarily provided to us (by you and others). We do not buy or sell personal information. The most common way personal information is shared/provided to us is by contacting us (e.g., by email or submission of a form on this website). Cork Rooms is committed to ensuring that we comply with the principles of data protection and that any processing of personal information is transparent, fair and lawful.

Cork Rooms will use your information under the legal basis of:

  • Consent - by the individual (data subject) by clear affirmative action signifying agreement to processing of personal information / personal data, e.g., voluntary completion of an enquiry form / application form with your personal information and clicking “Submit” to Cork Rooms. When providing us with this personal information we will use it to review, action, consult and/or respond to your enquiry, request and/or application. Any personal information provided to us on the basis of consent can be freely withdrawn at any time. Any personal information entered into a Form on this Site but not submitted (by clicking “Submit” button) will not be sent to Cork Rooms. To withdraw consent for any personal information which was already submitted to us, please contact us directly.

  • Contract - between you (the individual) and us (Cork Rooms), whereby the processing is necessary for a contract you have with us (e.g., rental agreement, financial data / banking transactions), so that we can provide you with a contractual service or because you have asked us to take specific actions/steps before entering into a contract (e.g., providing a quotation).

  • Legal Obligation - we may need to process your personal information to comply with a legal or statutory obligation (e.g., registration of your rental with the RTB - Irish Residential Tenancies Board).

  • Legitimate Interests - of Cork Rooms (as a private commercial entity) in consideration and balanced with your rights and freedoms, we may need to process personal information that is necessary and proportionate to carry out business activities, to protect the rental properties and/or fraud prevention (e.g., reference check activities).

For the purposes above, we will endeavour to process personal information which is relevant and limited to what is necessary. We will treat this data with integrity and confidentiality, and not share the information provided to us with any unauthorised individuals. Cork Rooms will not disclose your personal information to a third party unless you are specifically informed otherwise, or we require a third party contractor to process the information on our behalf.

We endeavour to only engage with third party service providers that we know and trust (if due to service demands and/or availability our preferences are not available, we will try to carefully consider and vet alternatives).

For property services, maintenance and/or repairs we always endeavour to use local (based in Ireland) and reputable professionals and businesses. As part of these services (if required) it may be necessary to provide very limited personal information to the third party for them to action and complete their work on our behalf (we will only share personal information, such as first name, telephone number and/or email address if absolutely necessary and with prior notice provided to you of any such processing).

For our regular ongoing business activities and general administration we also always endeavour to use trusted business partners. Some of our partners and service providers are based outside of Ireland and the European Economic Area (EEA). As such, in the course of processing your personal data, it may be transferred outside of the EEA (e.g., USA, UK and Switzerland), on the understanding that we rely on legally approved cross-border data transfer mechanisms, i.e., Article 45 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 - data protection adequacy decisions.

The third party service providers we work with on a regular basis which may process your personal information (directly or indirectly, e.g., email services, communications providers, file storage) include: Google Workspace (located in USA and Europe), Skype (division of Microsoft Corporation, located in USA and Europe), Squarespace (located in USA and Europe), and WhatsApp (part of Facebook/Meta Platforms Inc., located in USA).

In keeping with the principles of data protection, Cork Rooms will only retain your personal information for as long as is necessary for the purposes it was submitted to us and in accordance with our own record retention schedule. When managing our records, we plan to delete any and all unsuccessful applications (in bulk) 6 months after the term applied for has started (e.g., if you submit an application in April 2020 for the Academic Term, starting in September 2020, which is unsuccessful, this will be deleted in January 2021). By waiting for this time period, this allows us the opportunity create a waitlist / cancelation list to contact with later availability. If you would like your data deleted before this time (no longer wish to be considered for a rental, don’t wish to be on a waitlist, please contact us directly to inform of this request). For all successful applications where a rental agreement has been created and/or monetary transactions have occurred, we are required to keep these records for at least 6 years (for tax and accounting purposes).

Please note, in relation to our processing of your personal information, you have various rights under data protection laws, subject to certain exemptions, including:

  • Access - you have the right to request a copy of any of their personal data which we process.

  • To be Informed - it should be clear and easily accessible to you as to what extent your personal information will be processed.

  • Rectification - you have the right, if your personal information held by us is inaccurate or incomplete, to have this corrected and updated.

  • Erasure - in certain circumstances, you have the right to have your personal information processed and stored by us deleted.

  • Data Portability - in certain circumstance, you have the right to obtain a copy of the personal information processed and stored by us made available to you, in a commonly used electronic format (e.g., email, PDF) that makes it easy to reuse your information in another context, and to send this information to another company (data controller) of your choosing.

  • Automated Processing - you have the right to not be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing.

  • Right to Object - you have the right to object to certain types of processing of your personal information by us.

  • Restricted Processing - you have a limited right of restricting the processing of your personal information by us (e.g., when an objection has been raised)

If you wish to avail of these rights or have any questions or complaints about how we process your personal information please email us directly at: and provide us with adequate detail so that we can review this for you. Please note, while we will endeavour to ensure your request is actioned without delay, a restriction of rights exists - as per the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC): “the right to data protection is not an absolute right. It must always be balanced against other values, fundamental rights, human rights, or public and private interests and there may be circumstances under which an organisation may have grounds to refuse to grant an individual’s request to exercise their data protection rights”.

Cork Rooms may occasionally revise and update this privacy policy. Any changes will be published here, therefore, we would recommend reviewing this page periodically for the most recent policy and details.

Last Updated: 01-SEP-2023.


Cork Rooms does not buy or sell personal information. Cork Rooms will not provide your personal information to another company engaged in rental services (e.g., for targeted advertisement), without your explicit consent. We also do not engage in any marketing campaigns which relies on large-scale and generic processing of personal information (e.g., we do not send unsolicited mass marketing emails / newsletters). If in future, due to legitimate commercial interests, such marketing campaigns are possibly considered and explored, Cork Rooms would only use personal information (e.g., limited to only an email address) for these purposes if explicit consent of the individuals is received (no personal information collected previously for other purposes would be used).

We may ask current and/or former renters for reviews and/or testimonials, in these cases we always ask for consent to use any feedback received (which would include: first name only, home country, property rented, year of rental and quotation provided) for marketing / advertising purposes. Any consent to marketing / advertising activities can be freely withdrawn, without question, at any time by contacting us directly.


The only personal information we (Cork Rooms) collect from this website is from our webforms. When you submit information to this website via webform (i.e., Contact Form / Application Form), we collect the data requested in the webform in order to track and respond to your submissions. By using these forms you are consenting to processing of your personal information by this Site and externally by Cork Rooms.

Form submissions are not stored directly in the webform block, however, this information is shared automatically with Squarespace, our online hosting provider, so that they can provide website services to us. Since 21-JUL-2023, visitors who submit a form are added automatically to this site's Squarespace Profiles panel with your form submission info (this is a feature set by Squarespace). Form block submissions received before this date won't appear in our Profiles panel.

Form submissions have been chosen by us to be sent automatically to our own external email address ( powered by Google Workspace, for review, storage, processing and to provide responses outside of this site.


This website is hosted by Squarespace. All Squarespace sites use visitor data by default to work correctly (e.g., Cookies, Analytics and Fonts detailed below). Squarespace collects personal data when you visit this website, including:

  • Information about your browser, network and device

  • Web pages you visited prior to coming to this website

  • Web pages you view while on this website

  • Your IP address

Squarespace needs the data to run this website, and to protect and improve its platform and services. Squarespace analyzes the data in a de-personalized form. Additional information on use of this data by Squarespace is within their own terms and conditions - Please see their Cookie Policy ( and their Privacy Policy (


This website uses cookies and similar technologies, which are data (stored in small files or pieces of text) that download to a device (e.g., computer or mobile phone) when a visitor accesses a website or app. Cookies allow a website to ‘remember’ your actions or preferences over a period of time. This helps to create a better user experience for you and also assists us in our design and marketing efforts (to know how the site is used, e.g., what is working well and what is not).

These functional and required cookies are always used, which allow Squarespace, our hosting platform, to securely serve this website to you. These types of Cookies are essential (Strictly Necessary) to the proper functioning of the website and therefore do not require consent, as they are automatically used when you visit a Squarespace Site (such as ours).

These analytics and performance cookies are used on this website, only when you acknowledge our cookie banner (Optional). This website uses analytics and performance cookies to view site traffic, activity, and other data. Like with other websites in the EU and Ireland, permission is needed to store and access Cookies on your device.

For information about viewing the cookies dropped on your device, visit “The cookies Squarespace Uses” page.


This website collects personal data to power our site analytics, including:

  • Information about your browser, network, and device

  • Web pages you visited prior to coming to this website

  • Your IP address

This information may also include details about your use of this website, including:

  • Clicks

  • Internal links

  • Pages visited

  • Scrolling

  • Searches

  • Timestamps

We share this information with Squarespace, our website analytics provider, to learn about site traffic and activity.


This website serves font files from and renders fonts using Google Fonts and Adobe Fonts. To properly display this site to you, these third parties may receive personal information about you, including:

  • Information about your browser, network, or device

  • Information about this site and the page you’re viewing on it

  • Your IP address